
The foodie world turns out to welcome Bruno Loubet's Grain Store

The foodie worls turns out to welcome Bruno Loubet's Grain StoreThe food world turned out in force last night to celebrate the opening of Bruno Loubet's new restaurant Grain Store at King's Cross.

Hot Dinners spotted Raymond Blanc and Pierre Koffmann pottering around Loubet's very impressive open kitchen, while chefs Eric Chavot, Monica Galetti and Ashley Palmer Watts were also at the party.

As you might imagine, given the proximity of their offices, plenty of Guardian and Observer folk were there, including the Guardian's Editor Alan Rusbridger, Observer Food Monthly Editor Allan Jenkins and Deputy Editor Gareth Grundy.

The food blogosphere was also well represented with BittenWritten, Twelvepointfivepercent, Faerietalefoodie and Rosiefoodie all there. (And do check out this account we put together on Storify for how the evening went for Cheeseandbiscuit's Chris Pople). 

Canapes included bite-sized versions of dishes on the restaurant's menu - chilled lobster bloody mary and potato & rye bread with seaweed butter, oyster and borage leaves.

Tony Conigliaro, who created the cocktail list, was there to oversee cocktail production. Our favourite cocktail of his - the Twinkle - takes pride of place on the menu. But if you're staying off the sauce at lunchtimes, the chamomile lemonade should be popular.

Grain Store is open now at Granary Square 1-3 Stable Street King's Cross London N1C 4AB. Follow them on twittter.
