
Russian favourite Mari Vanna to open London restaurant in Knightsbridge

Russian favourite Mari Vanna to open in KnightsbridgeRussian restaurant Mari Vanna is almost about to throw open the doors in Knightsbridge. This Russian restaurant already has popular outposts in Moscow, St Petersburg and New York and becomes the latest London restaurant to court London's resident oligarchs.

Situated in Knightsbridge, a few steps from the station and right next to the new Bulgari Hotel, the restaurant will be aiming for the style of a Russian home (albeit a rather well-off one) with matryoshka dolls, trinkets and tchotchke abounding against the backdrop of lavish chandeliers. The backdrop for the restaurant is that a mythical woman named Mari Vanna is welcoming travellers into her kitchen for home cooked dishes.

It'll be an all-day restaurant with a number of Russian dishes on the menu such as Hashapuri (a Georgian pie baked with Suluguni cheese and egg), Harcho (a rich Georgian lamb soup with rice), Pelmeni (traditional Russian rabbit or seafood dumplings) and Ukrainian Galubtzi (meat and rice encased in cabbage leaves). Alongside this, expect blinis with caviar and the bizarrely named Herring Pod Shuboy (herring under a fur coat) which is salted herring, beetroot and potato with a mayonnaise dressing and you can finish off with Smitannik (sour cream cake with strawberries).

There are no prices yet - but we imagine they'll be along the lines of 'if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it'.

There's also a cocktail bar with plenty of vodka and Russian inspired cocktails on offer as well as cakes and pastries available for afternoon tea.

Mari Vanna opens March 1 and is now taking reservations on 0207 225 3122.

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