
Guardian's Food blogging course has Hix, Henderson and Hopkinson on board

hixThe Guardian has nabbed some pretty high profile food and wine writers, chefs and mixologists to take part in its launch series of masterclasses.

The two day Eating Your Words course has Tom Parker-Bowles, Tim Hayward, Matthew Fort, Mark Hix, Simon Hopkinson, Fergus Henderson food pages and the Weekend Guardian's Food pages Editor Bob Granleese. Over two days you'll find out how not to write about food, how to set up your own blog. Best of all, rather than the usual conference buffet lunch of curly sandwiches and tired salad, there'll be lunch prepared by Mark Hix and Fergus Henderson. The course costs £500 and runs on 26-27 February.

Alternatively, if you prefer to drink rather than eat your words, you could try the cocktail masterclass with 69 Colebrooke Row's Tony Conigliaro. In two hours he'll show you how to make 'the perfect cocktail for every occasion'. Tony's classes take place in Islington on the 5th and 19th March and cost £125.

We also like the sound of the eight week course on organic and biodynamic wines hosted by Frédéric Grappe, former sommelier at Quo Vadis, Orrery and Roussillon. That's £600 for two hours a week and begins on 31 January, just when your post-Christmas detox is coming to an end.

You can find more information on the Guardian masterclasses, including prices, dates and full course details on their website.
