
Con couple cheat L'Autre Pied out of £572 bill

coupleThe hunt is on for a couple of champagne-guzzling con artists who cheated London restaurant L'Autre Pied out of £572 worth of food and drink.

According to the article in today's Standard, the couple in their twenties drank their way through two bottles of champagne, a Larmandier pink champagne at £124 followed by a £285 bottle of 1997 Bollinger as they had their starters and mains. They then ordered dessert and whilst waiting for it to be served, popped out for what was supposed to be a quick fag before hightailing it. However, the restaurant does have quite a detailed picture of the couple in question, which is now printed in all its glory in the paper, so the high-living duo may not have the last laugh.

Sadly, the net result of one couple's deception is that L'Autre Pied and Pied a Terre are now changing their policies for diners who smoke, requiring them to leave a credit card behind the bar before they go outside for a cigarette.
