
Audi garage in Watford faces £700 bill for Joel Robuchon dinner


You've got to love the brass neck of the woman who racked up a £700 bill on a dinner for two when offered a free meal by her local garage. The story of Siobhan Yap is currently one of the most read stories on the BBC website. In essence, the 27-year-old's car was damaged whilst parked on Watford Audi's forecourt. To say sorry, they offered her a meal out for two. Trouble is, they didn't specify how much she had to spend. And so Ms Yap headed into town and managed (along with her mum) to eat and drink a total of £714.61 at L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon. Now Ms Yap and the garage are at loggerheads over whether they'll stump up the full amount.

"They put me through a lot of stress and it was a really nice restaurant," Ms Yap told the BBC. "They should have specified a limit." In return, a spokesperson for the garage said they'd pay half after calling the bill an "excessive expenditure for two diners".

Read the full story here
