
Auction Against Hunger raises £100,000

auctionlogo-mainWe can't tell you how honoured and humbled we've been to be part of Auction against Hunger. Eating out in London as much as we do, their laudable aim to end child hunger feels like the most relevant charity we could be involved with.

Thanks to the efforts of chefs and restaurants and organiser Ben Maschler - not to mention the generous bidders - the live auction this week at Shoreditch House raised an amazing £84,923. Top lots included Take the River Café Home which went for £5,900, a Waterside Inn Experience with Alain Roux which raised £5,500 and the biggest bid of the night was for Angela Hartnett to cook at your home which went for a whopping £6,500.

And then there was the online auction in which money-can't-buy experiences all over London were offered up, including the MEATliquor Batphone giving the lucky bidder reservations there for a year which raised £720 or restaurant reviewing with Jay Rayner which went for £1360.

In total, the online auction raised an amazing £15,625. Which is frankly brilliant and brings the total to a gobsmacking £100,548.

If you didn't manage to win any of the things you were bidding for, and still have that money burning a hole in your pocket, you can always donate some or all of it to Action against Hunger here www.actionagainsthunger.org
