
London Spring date ideas for foodies

inntheparkIf the prospect of Spring has your sap up and you're determined to get back in the dating game, you might be interested in a few dating ideas for foodies we've come up with for our friends over at innovating dating website Doingsomething.co.uk

They asked us to think of some Spring dates that took the measure of the season and also involved - of course - food in one form or another. From leisurely lunchtime strolls down by the Thames to London park foraging, here's what we thought of (click on each link to read more and see who else fancies doing this as a date):

1Lunch and a meadow walk by the Thames

2. Foraged cocktails and a parkland stroll

3. Slow/fast food and a romantic playlist

4. Movies and popcorn under the arches at Maltby Street

