
How to make the ultimate Irish cream tiramisu


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Great British Bake Off winner Matty Edgell has come up with a belter of a recipe for a tiramisu made with Five Farms, the world’s first farm-to-table Irish cream liqueur. It's the most luxurious dessert that's perfect for any St Patrick's Day celebration. Five Farms also happen to be a supporter of our Murphia List and you can see who made this year's list over here.



  • 6 egg yolks
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 300ml double cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 250g mascarpone
  • 60ml Five Farms Cream Liqueur

Baby Guinness Soak:

  • 200ml Five Farms Cream Liqueur
  • 250ml Coffee Liqueur
  • 100ml water
  • 1 pack of lady fingers
  • Cocoa powder to dust


  1. In a heat-proof bowl combine the egg yolks, caster sugar and vanilla. Whisk until pale and fluffy and then place of a bain-marie. Continue to whisk for 5 mins until it has thickened, become light and pale and most of the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Allow to cool slightly and then add 30ml Five Farms Irish cream and the mascarpone. Whisk until the ingredients are fully incorporated.
  3. In a separate bowl, add the cream and remaining 30ml of Five Farms Irish cream and whisk to stiff peaks. Add the cream to the custard mix and whisk until fully combined.
  4. To make the soak, combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix together.
  5. To assemble, layer soaked lady fingers and place in your bowl/tin. Add a layer of your Five Farms custard and repeat, ensuring you finish with a layer of custard.
  6. Cover with tin foil and place in the fridge to set for a minimum of 4 hours. For best results, do this overnight.
  7. To serve, dust with cocoa powder, pour yourself the best baby Guinness using 10ml Five Farms Irish cream and 15ml coffee liqueur.


More about Five Farms

Find out more: Visit their website or follow them on Instagram @fivefarmsirishcream


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