If you like being at the cutting edge of bakery viraldom, then you'll want to know about the arrival of the Parisian pastry sensation, the crookie, in London.
As you might have guessed, the crookie is part croissant, part cookie and was first encountered in the wild two years ago at pastry chef Stephane Louvard's boulangerie in the 9th arrondissement. Since then, it's been taken up by other pastry chefs and last month landed in London and now it seems there are now a handful of bakeries in the city where you can buy one.
Philippe Conticini's crookie (photo by Emma Louise Pudge)
First up is Philippe Conticini. He's no stranger to viral pastries (he's the man behind those XXL croissants and pains au chocolat you may have seen on social) and his three London bakeries in Camden, Islington and South Kensington all sell it.
Chestnut's crookie (photo by Emma Louise Pudge)
The crookie can also be found at Chestnut Bakery. They've added their own twist making it out of three mini croissants which are then covered with chocolate chip cookie and sprinkled with sea salt. It's only on sale at weekends in their Covent Garden branch.
Qima Café's crookie
But maybe the earliest London version we can find comes from Qima Cafe on Warren Street who showcased their take on the rookie in February. This one is topped with dots of caramel, hazelnuts and finished with a sprinkle of sea salt.
Creme's take on the crookie
London's cookie merchants are also getting in on the game. Creme in Soho is doing things a little differently, mixing in bits of croissant into their cookies. Plus, Blondie's Kitchen is also selling them from their Covent Garden store.
Whoever was first, the fact remains that you now have plenty of places to try this new viral creation.
Thanks to Emma Louise Pudge for some extra crookie spotting.
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