
Crate is a new container village in Walthamstow - with Baggio Burger, Italian Baker and more

Crate is a new container village in Walthamsow - with Baggio Burger, Italian Baker and more 

While we wait to see what Truman Brewery have planned in Walthamstow, another big new development has just opened. 

Crate (not to be confused with the Hackney brewery) have just a new container village called Crate St James Street, designed to be a collection of food and drink outlets and shops (a bit like Boxpark) and a way for small businesses to start up. They have a bar and bottle shop there called Pillars Brewery (that's open now) and eventually will add 40 more businesses. 

While there will be shops, hairdressers, vintage clothing and more - we're really just concerned about the food. There are quite a few places opening over the coming weeks - some of them getting their first permanent location. Here's who we know is joining so far:

Look out for all of the above to open in the next few days/weeks and for many more to join them.  


More about Crate St James St

Where is it? CRATE Building, 35 St James St, Walthamstow, London E17 7FY

Find out more: Visit their website or follow them on Instagram @cratestjamesstreet.


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