
Drunken Butler chef Yuma Hashemi takes umbrage at Fay Maschler's review


If you've been at work all day and can't understand why half the people on your Twitter feed are tweeting ALL IN CAPS, let us enlighten you. It's due to a spat today between chef Yuma Hashemi and the Evening Standard critic Fay Maschler.

Earlier today, Fay published a two star review of Yuma Hashemi's restaurant The Drunken Butler. Among the various things she wasn't so keen on was a cocktail she was served there; "the restaurant’s Negroni at £10 being the teeniest weeniest cocktail I have ever seen." 

Yuma took umbrage at the review - big time- and published a post on his site, on Facebook and on Instagram (most of which has now been taken down) complaining in turn about Fay in a post that cast aspersions on her ability to judge his food accurately. It was long, written entirely in caps and it's fair to say that he seemed properly pissed off.

It wasn't long before Twitter got in on the act, mostly to comment on Yuma's premise that Fay's critical faculties were fatally clouded by the consumption of a cocktail and half a bottle of wine at lunchtime.


And then there was the issue of the chef's usage of all caps

Some were sympathetic. To a degree.

But in the end, it looks as though this sums up the outcome for the spat.
