While we feel sure that this isn't the last European referendum-themed resturant story we'll get, it has the big advantage of being the first. For the next 3 months The Diner will be embarking on Beef-erendum. They've come up with two burgers to help you choose whether or not the UK should remain in the European Union.
‘Le Dave’ Burger (above, right) features a French Charolais beef patty, topped with Swiss cheese and caramelised onions, scattered with cornichons in a brioche bun. Finish off the meal with garlic pommes frites.
If on the other hand you're a Euro sceptic you might want the ‘Sir Boris’ (above, left) - a British ground chuck steak patty loaded with Smoked Applewood cheese and Middlewhite bacon in a floury bap. You'll be wanting this with a portion of British roast potatoes swimming in hot gravy.
The Beeferendum menu runs from 22 March to 22 June 2016 at the Diner's nine London restaurants with the final result revealed on 22 June. Keep up with the news on Twitter @thedinertweets