
Dalston's natural wine box popup B.I.B


There's always room in Hot Dinners' lives for some crazy pop-up shenanigans in the run up to Christmas and B.I.B sounds right up our street. This Dalston spot will be taking over Brunswick East coffee in Dalston from 6pm every Wednesday to Saturday this November. And the B.I.B? Well that stands for Bag in Box. Yes this is a natural wine box pop-up. It couldn't be more East London if it tried.

Apparently bagged wines are an economical and ecologically sound way of distributing early drinking fresh wines, which is why the natural wine movement has taken this method to its hearts. It doesn't hurt that it also reduces costs. Glasses here will cost from £3 and there'll be food too for a bargainous £2.

Behind the venture is Kirsty Tinkler who also organises wine club, Weino London. She ran front of house at Great Queen Street. “I noticed a trend towards the use of boxes with companies such as St. John producing their own brand of boxed wine," she says. "I think this is in line with the move towards the eco economy of paired back packaging that leaves the extra pence in the produce rather than the product."

B.I.B is now open every Wednesday to Saturday in November from 6pm to late at Brunswick East Coffee, Stamford Works, 3 Gillett Street, Dalston, London, N16 8JH. Keep up with their news on Twitter @WeinoBIB
