
Mary Berry, Nathan Outlaw and Antonio Carluccio head up chefs on board Britannia


If you're the kind of food obsessive who likes to extend their passion to what they do on their holidays, you might be interested in the line-up for the new P&O cruise ship Britannia.

Launching this year, the new ship has a distinct food focus and they've persuaded an impressive number of chefs and food folk to come on board for cookery lessons in their dedicated cookery school with 12 stations (pictured).

If you're after some help with your Victoria sponge, then look no further than Mary Berry who'll be on board in July with Theo Randall and James Martin. Other A-list chefs booked in this year include Nathan Outlaw, Pierre Koffmann, Daniel Galmiche, James Tanner, Paul Rankin, Vivek Singh, Antonio Carluccio and Lawrence Keogh from The Wolseley.

Each chef will run cookery classes, host exclusive chef’s table dinners and hold Q&A sessions and book signings. Find out more here. And if you're wondering whether you'd take to a holiday on the high seas - check out our piece on another P&O ship when we travelled last summer with Atul Kochhar.
