How'd you like to see Jose Pizarro in action, cooking up some great Spanish dishes and get to try said dishes for free? Next Saturday (28th June) you can do just that down in Bermondsey.
The Good Life Embassy - purveyors of top notch olive oils from Spain - are behind a day of cooking sessions at Pizarro. Jose and his team will create the dishes and you'll be able to sample them.
Each session will last an hour and a half and cover the following areas of Spanish cuisine:
- 10.30am - 12:00pm - Spanish Brunch
- 1.00pm - 2:30pm - Spanish lunch tapas
- 3.00pm - 4:30pm - Spanish 'tea' and cocktails
There are 50 places available for each slot which they're going to allocate on a first come first served basis. To apply for a place for you and a friend simply email with your contact details and your preferred time slot. They'll confirm by email if you're lucky enough to get a slot.