
News Round up - 7 March 09

There’s only been one real foodie story this week – the ongoing mystery at the Fat Duck. More than 400 people have now reported becoming ill after eating at Heston Blumenthal’s thrice-starred gastro-destination since early January. The Associated Press relates how while the original problem came to light when 40 diners reported feeling sick after eating at the Fat Duck, more than 160 more have since come forward after hearing of the mystery bug in the media. Here at Hot Dinners, we wouldn’t dream of suggesting that some of those new ‘cases’ were prompted by the idea of being compensated in any way – say another free dinner chez Heston...Tim Hayward blogging at the Guardian has another suggestion – HERBS or High End Restaurant Blowout Syndrome.

Elsewhere in the press this week:

  • An investigative report into Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant empire finds that now’s a good time to book a table at Claridges at short notice.
  • Good news for those on Atkins diets as scientists find that a fried egg a day keeps the heart surgeon away.
  • On a similarly good note for chocoholics, The Daily Mail reports that eating chocolate could actually prevent acne.
  • We find out why apple crumble and custard is the school memory we treasure the most
  • A Wiltshire restaurateur pays people to eat at his restaurant – has he found a recession-busting solution?
  • On your tod? Time Out lists the best places to eat with nowt but yourself for company
  • Dos Hermanos tell us how to make a Welsh faggot (insert own joke here)
  • Janet Street Porter can’t find a decent place to eat out

    And finally...we’re sure female gastro-tourists will be booking their trips to Prague after the Saturday Telegraph revealed the startling similarity between the sommelier at the city's La Degustation (www.ladegustation.cz ) and one Brad Pitt. So closely does the restaurant’s sommelier resemble the Hollywood star that it ‘caused confusion when the actor sojourned in the city’.