
Outstanding In The Field dinner movement comes to the UK

outstandingOutstanding In the Field is quite literally a grassroots organisation which over the past 11 years has taken to farms all over America, setting out dining tables and chairs on everwhere from roaming plains to vineyards and beaches as a way of connecting diners to the food on their plates. The meals, as you'd imagine, have the smallest of food miles and in every location a celebrated local chef is called on to do the honours in the kitchen. It all looks pretty spectacular.

So far, so good - but why are we telling you this, when the closest you usually get to California is via your guilty pleasure Sky-plused episodes of Beverley Hills 902010? Well for the first time, these American pioneers are crossing the pond with a few key European Dates on their 2011 tour, one of which is here in the UK. Sadly for Londoners, a bit of a trek is required - to Trealy Farm in Wales - but we hear that Monmouthshire is pretty lovely in late Summer.

You may have tried Trealy Farm's renowned charcuterie here in town - they're stocked at Hix Soho and the Champagne Bar in Paddington  - but what makes this Welsh dinner worth the trip is knowing that the chef will be Stephen Terry from the award-winning dining pub The Hardwick in Abergevenny.

The price of the meal is a gulp-making $220; for that you'll get a reception with canapes, tour of the farm and paired wines with each course of a four-course meal.If you're interested in booking for the event, which takes place on 8 September, tickets have just gone on sale on the Outstanding In The Field website.
